Inspection Request Form...
Or Call (825)459-2222
to speak with Dr. Walt directly
In getting ready for your Ionsight Inspection, we recommend that you:
Set aside 3-4 hours on your calendar inspection day you select below so that you can be present for your inspection. The actual inspection should take about 2 hours, but adding sometime before and after will allow for travel and discussion after. Being present allows us to show and tell you the home and our findings. The electronic written report we provide will have the same information, but we feel it is nice for our clients to see with their own eyes the defects we discover and have a discussion there on site.
Attend the inspection and accompany the home inspector in order to get the most from your Ionsight Home Inspection and to become well versed in the systems and operation of your prospective or new home. There is some parts of the inspection we will be together on, and some parts of the inspection process we will perform alone such as roof inspection, crawlspace, attic ect...
Contact your realtor with the time and location of your Ionsight Home Inspection so they can open the house and be present at the inspection. Your realtor should advise the seller and/or listing broker of the date and time of the inspection so that the house is in a condition to be inspected (Realtors are not new to this and know to tell the other realtor to have obstructions removed for access to the furnace/boiler, water heater, attic, crawl spaces, access panels, etc.). Sometimes the inspection times need to be rescheduled based on the realtor or homeowner availability. This is common. Connect with us via text or voice at (825) 459-2222 to make these changes if needed.
Confirm that all utilities (electric, gas, water, etc.) are turned on.